Garden Guy, Charles Stocker

"Unequivocally, we have used Charlie's Cmpost in several of our studies in our landscaping business and our gardening business and it is second to none," the Garden Guy, Charles Stocker, live on FOX.
"Unequivocally, we have used Charlie's Cmpost in several of our studies in our landscaping business and our gardening business and it is second to none," the Garden Guy, Charles Stocker, live on FOX.
"Hey - we just wanted to show you results of using your 'magic chicken compost' on our plants!"
We love messages like this from our Happy Growers!!
"I bought this product last spring with the intention of mixing it into the soil of a new flower bed with a variety of other composts, but when I got it I realized it would just be too expensive to use it in that way. So, I decided to adda handful of charlie's to each hole I dug for the flower plantings, but being a very large flower bed I ran out midway. I almost ordered another bag to complete the bed, but decided to leave it in just half the bed and see if there was a difference in growth/flowering. The difference was profound! All other things being equal, the side with Charlie's grew faster, taller and flowered prolifically. I wish I had taken a picture. This year I plan on using it as a top dress around last years plantings and let the coming rain mix it into the soil. I love this stuff, and I can't recommend it highly enough." - One of CC's Happy Growers. See more reviews on Amazon!
Happy Growers: Central City Country Club
How do you use Charlie's Compost: We put CC on our trouble fairway to fill in the grass!